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Montessori for Parents and Caregivers of 6-12 Year Olds
Welcome! (1:02)
Expectations of whanau at Porirua Montessori
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Stages of Childhood. Who is the 6-12 year old?
What Montessori schools know about your child (4:25)
The 0-6 Aged Child. How Does Early Childhood Impact The 6-12 Year Old? (6:57)
The 6-12 Aged Child (5:53)
How does a Montessori Classroom work?
Inside The Montessori Classroom. How is it different from other classrooms? (11:39)
The big picture of Montessori 6-12. What is at the heart of Montessori 6-12? (9:11)
What else will my child learn in Montessori between 6 and 12? Science, Social Studies, Language and Math (10:30)
Montessori in the home for 6-12
Montessori at home. Practical tips to make the connection between home and school seamless. (11:32)
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